Beauty upkeep can cost a lot of money and having a Beauty Budget is nothing new for many women. However, the weekly Wash & Set and a bit of lipstick that did our mother’s years ago just doesn’t cut it today. A 21st Party, Hen Party or wedding requires ‘the works’ which can cost a small fortune as spray tan, nails, make-up and lashes are now just maintenance treatments for a regular night out. Preparing the canvas, your skin, is what we specialise in and this does not happen overnight. Great skin needs careful planning and budgeting.

How much do you spend on beauty upkeep? Even if you’re not high maintenance and break it down to the bare necessities like waxing, manicures and pedicures you could be spending over €1,000 a year. Bear in mind, that’s not including the occasional massage or any of your products. Beauty is also incredibly hard to cut down on as the desire to look polished is so great whether you work inside or outside the home. So, for most women, cutting into their beauty budget just isn’t going to happen. You can make small tweaks, but a flattering haircut, clean nails are good skin are a necessity - not just a luxury.

Looking good doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to look better without spending a single penny. However, if you want to ‘Look as good as you can, for as long as you can, you might like to invest in some advanced skin rejuvenation or laser hair removal treatments. The results can be extraordinary but they can be expensive. However, they could reduce your maintenance treatments in the long run. Only choosing the correct products and treatments will give you your desired result so do speak to a professional.

In the meantime, here are my Top 3 Tips for looking your best for the best price of all: FREE!

  1. De-puff the eyes - Sleep with an extra pillow to stop fl uid gathering under the eye area.

  2. Freshen up your face - Perk up tired-looking skin by massaging your cheekbones for two minutes after cleansing, toning and moisturizing to create a more active blood flow.

  3. Avoid breakouts - If you’re breaking out on your forehead. Rinse your hair well and wash your hands after applying keep styling products. Keep hair products away from your skin.

Whether you call it your ‘rainy day money’ or your ‘run away money’ it’s always good to have something to fall back on when all those special occasions come at once.

You can join the Midas Touch Beauty Budget Plan by making a standing order payment directly to your Midas Touch account.

Call 01 459 5313 for details. This time next year, you’ll be glad you started today!
